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Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index
Tonight 33 Mostly Clear
Areas of patchy fog developing.
58° 11% 5 mph S S -
Tomorrow 34 Mostly Sunny
Areas of patchy fog early.
84° 8% 7 mph S S
Tomorrow night 33 Mostly Clear 61° 8% 7 mph S S -
Wednesday 34 Mostly Sunny 88° 13% 7 mph SSW SSW
Wednesday night 29 Partly Cloudy 68° 13% 6 mph SSW SSW -
Thursday 38 PM Thunderstorms
Storms may contain strong gusty winds.
82° 0.17in 65% 6 mph WSW WSW
Thursday night 47 Scattered Thunderstorms 64° 0.17in 69% 3 mph WNW WNW -
Friday 38 PM Thunderstorms 84° 0.03in 39% 4 mph NNW NNW
Friday night 11 Showers 62° 0.06in 44% 3 mph S S -
Saturday 11 Showers 77° 0.12in 46% 6 mph ESE ESE
Saturday night 45 Showers Early 61° 0.05in 38% 4 mph E E -